#ICUrestraint study: using audio-visual vignettes

Using audio-visual vignettes to explore how nurses make the decision to restraint delirious patients on the critical care unit How do nurses make the decision to restrain a delirious patient? What influences their decision? Do they follow protocols or base their decision on an individual assessment of the patient? If they assess the patient, what … Continue reading #ICUrestraint study: using audio-visual vignettes

Delusions in intensive care: How can healthcare professionals help?

BBC Radio 4 recently aired the series The History of Delusions. One episode focused on delusions specific to people who had been patients on intensive care units. An intensive care unit (ICU) is a highly specialised area of secondary care. They provide technology-driven treatment for patients in multi-organ failure. Until recently, little attention was paid … Continue reading Delusions in intensive care: How can healthcare professionals help?