Developing core outcomes sets for the reduction of restrictive practices in adult inpatient mental health settings.

New survey launched today. You are invited to take part in an online survey which takes around 10-15 minutes to complete. The participant information sheet is attached to this email. The aim of this research study is to decide on a set of outcomes that should be measured when researchers introduce measures to try to … Continue reading Developing core outcomes sets for the reduction of restrictive practices in adult inpatient mental health settings.

#WardSonar report published

Today we publish our @NIHRresearch report on #WardSonar the 1st attempt to ask patients on acute mental health wards to measure and report changes in perceptions of safety in real-time. The details of which can be found here. We have deepened our understanding of the co-design of digital interventions, explored milieu and contagion, and been … Continue reading #WardSonar report published

Invited to Parliament

This week we will be visiting Parliament as part of Sense About Science's #EvidenceWeek. Our work about trying to reduce the use of restrictive practices (eg. seclusion, restraint and forced medication) in institutions was selected by them. You can see a brief video introduction to our work here. We have tried to summarise our work … Continue reading Invited to Parliament

Reducing restrictive practices in children’s institutions, an evidence review.

Today our review (#BCTContrast) of interventions to reduce restrictive practices in children’s institutions has been published in the National Institute for Health and Social Care Health and Social Care Delivery Research library. Our group looked for interventions that help children’s institutions to cut back their use of practices known as ‘restrictive’. Restrictive practices include restraining … Continue reading Reducing restrictive practices in children’s institutions, an evidence review.

#WardSonar: a real-time measure of safety for mental health wards.

Study update May 2022. We are now in the final stages of data collection. The six mental health wards involved in our study have been fantastically supportive, enabling us to observe ward life and interview service users and staff while the WardSonar intervention is being implemented. We will be able to look at the real-time … Continue reading #WardSonar: a real-time measure of safety for mental health wards.

Research about the experience of meal times on acute mental health wards.

By Susan Guthrie, PGR at School of Healthcare, University of Leeds & Cardinal Clinical Academic Research Fellow Advanced Practitioner Speech and Language Therapist at Leeds and York Partnership Trust Phd supervisors: Prof John Baker & Dr Jane Cahill (University of Leeds) / Prof Bronwyn Hemsley (University of Technology, Sydney) Introduction Mealtime experiences vary for everyone. … Continue reading Research about the experience of meal times on acute mental health wards.

MH-CREST: How do community crisis care services work, who do they work for, and in what circumstances?

I am excited to announce the start of MH-CREST following an intense year of development. The MH-CREST research team is a partnership between The School of Healthcare at the University of Leeds, the University of Sheffield and our sponsor Sheffield Health and Social Care NHS Foundation Trust. Together, the MH-CREST team hold expertise in mental … Continue reading MH-CREST: How do community crisis care services work, who do they work for, and in what circumstances?

#ICUrestraint study: using audio-visual vignettes

Using audio-visual vignettes to explore how nurses make the decision to restraint delirious patients on the critical care unit How do nurses make the decision to restrain a delirious patient? What influences their decision? Do they follow protocols or base their decision on an individual assessment of the patient? If they assess the patient, what … Continue reading #ICUrestraint study: using audio-visual vignettes

Reducing Restrictive Practices: Understanding Key Intervention Components

On Wednesday 5 June we held a dissemination event for the COMPARE study. COMPARE is an evidence review of interventions designed to reduce restrictive practices with adults in mental health inpatient settings. The aim of the event was to share preliminary findings from our evidence review with stakeholders (including frontline staff and service users) and … Continue reading Reducing Restrictive Practices: Understanding Key Intervention Components

Tickets Available – Reducing Restrictive Practices: Understanding Key Intervention Components

As we move into the final stages of COMPARE: Establishing components of programmes to reduce restrictive practices: an evidence synthesis, we are pleased to announce that we will share our findings at a dedicated event: Reducing Restrictive Practices: Understanding Key Intervention Components 12.30-15.30 5 June 2019 Horizon Conference Centre, Leeds We have identified and mapped … Continue reading Tickets Available – Reducing Restrictive Practices: Understanding Key Intervention Components