MH-CREST: How do community crisis care services work, who do they work for, and in what circumstances?

I am excited to announce the start of MH-CREST following an intense year of development. The MH-CREST research team is a partnership between The School of Healthcare at the University of Leeds, the University of Sheffield and our sponsor Sheffield Health and Social Care NHS Foundation Trust. Together, the MH-CREST team hold expertise in mental … Continue reading MH-CREST: How do community crisis care services work, who do they work for, and in what circumstances?

#ICUrestraint study: using audio-visual vignettes

Using audio-visual vignettes to explore how nurses make the decision to restraint delirious patients on the critical care unit How do nurses make the decision to restrain a delirious patient? What influences their decision? Do they follow protocols or base their decision on an individual assessment of the patient? If they assess the patient, what … Continue reading #ICUrestraint study: using audio-visual vignettes

CArDiNAL: A New Clinical Academic Research Fellowship

The beginning… I am delighted to be starting my PhD journey with the University of Leeds in tandem with Leeds and York Partnership Foundation Trust. The new CArDiNAL (ClinicAl Doctoral Nurses and ALlied Health Professionals) Clinical Academic Research Fellowship embeds and promotes my research role within my clinical (Speech and Language Therapist) Specialist post. A … Continue reading CArDiNAL: A New Clinical Academic Research Fellowship

Tickets Available – Reducing Restrictive Practices: Understanding Key Intervention Components

As we move into the final stages of COMPARE: Establishing components of programmes to reduce restrictive practices: an evidence synthesis, we are pleased to announce that we will share our findings at a dedicated event: Reducing Restrictive Practices: Understanding Key Intervention Components 12.30-15.30 5 June 2019 Horizon Conference Centre, Leeds We have identified and mapped … Continue reading Tickets Available – Reducing Restrictive Practices: Understanding Key Intervention Components